Our Development and Tooling engineers are skilled in developing composite manufacturing processes and designing closed mold, metallic tooling that produces highly integrated composite structures with unsurpassed quality.
Radius Engineering designs and builds composite manufacturing workcells to the precise specifications required by our customers for successful composite manufacturing. We provide ongoing training, service and technical support that facilitates continuous process improvement and a reliable supply of spare parts.
Workcells integrate well with Radius injectors and tooling. Radius PressWareTM control software provides consistent control of the entire process.
Our engineers build presses designed specifically for RTM and SQRTM composite manufacturing. Our unique pneumatic press design has distinct advantages for manufacturers who require tight process control and high volume production efficiency.
The injector connects to the press via one Ethernet cable. One PC controls the entire workcell (press and injector). Custom software tailored to our customer’s specification is used to control the workcell. Because the equipment is networked together, additional safety features are applied in addition to the safety features that our equipment has in their standalone format. One example is that the press will not allow an injection to begin unless the clamping pressure of the press is at least 25 PSI greater than the injector pressure set point. This mitigates the risk of the injector resin pressure opening the tool inside of the press. As a result of one software package controlling the Radius workcell, one data log file is generated after the process is complete. All of the data from the press and injector is in one place that can then be manipulated via Microsoft Excel. This data log file is also completely customizable.
Radius Engineering designs and manufactures state of the art resin injection systems that lead the industry in Resin Transfer Molding (RTM) and Same Qualified Resin Transfer Molding (SQRTM). Our injection systems inject single component or pre-mixed multi-component resin systems. Our custom Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) software controls, monitors, and logs critical process parameters including resin pressure, temperature, and flow rate. Custom injection systems are available for your application. Contact Radius Engineering for further information.
Advantages of purchasing a workcell from Radius Engineering (press and injector)
Excellent machine process integration and control when you use a Radius Injector with a Radius press.
All injection systems and presses include Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) software. The SCADA system designed by Radius Engineering provides control and logging of all injection and press parameters. All equipment communication is controlled via Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP).
Increased process safety when the injection system is directly connected to the press inhibiting certain functions of the injector until certain critical injection process parameters are satisfied via the press. Contact Radius Engineering for further information.
The RCS Injector is a re-useable cartridge based injection system suitable for high-rate Resin Transfer Molding (RTM) and SQRTM production.
Operating Pressure: | 250 psi | 17.2 bar |
Operating Temperature: | 250 °F | 121 °C |
Vacuum Rated: | < 0.5 torr | < 0.6 mbar |
Volume: | 1950 cc | ~ 2145 g |
Weight (empty): | 4.5 lb | 2040 g |
Weight (full): | 9.2 lb | 4185 g |
Featured customer projects using Radius Engineering injection equipment.